Neuro-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning
in the Era of Large Language Models

@ AAAI 2024

Submit Your Paper


We are thrilled to announce the Workshop on Neuro-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning in the Era of Large Language Models at AAAI 2024 to be held on February 26-27, 2024. This workshop aims to provide a dedicated platform for researchers to present and share their cutting-edge advancements in the next generation of neuro-symbolic AI. By creating an environment conducive to knowledge exchange and the exploration of innovative ideas, we aim to foster collaboration and inspire new breakthroughs. We invite submissions on topics and questions related to neuro-symbolic AI, including but not limited to:

  • Survey of recent neuro-symbolic AI methods and applications
  • Neuro-symbolic approaches for learning and reasoning
  • Programming languages, libraries and software tools for integration of various learning and reasoning formalisms
  • Declarative languages for machine learning
  • Natural language to machine learning code
  • Using probabilistic inference or logical inference in training deep models
  • Deep learning and logical reasoning over structured and relational data
  • Integration of non-differentiable optimization models in learning
  • The role of neuro-symbolic AI in grounding LLMs, enhancing performance
  • Specific aspects of neuro-symbolic modeling, such as data efficiency, scalability, and evaluation benchmarks
  • Integration of expert knowledge in learning (e.g., fairness constraints, physics laws, FOL rules)
  • Strategies to address challenges related to compositional generalization using neuro-symbolic AI
  • We also welcome work on related topics (e.g., neural program synthesis, program induction, and concept learning)

Accepted papers

Domain Specific Question Answering Over Knowledge Graphs Using Logical Programming and Large Language Models

Navid Madani, Kenneth Joseph, Rohini K. Srihari


TaxoKnow: Taxonomy as Prior Knowledge in the Loss Function of Multi-class Classification

Mohsen Pourvali, Yao Meng, Chen Sheng, Yangzhou Du


Towards Generalization in Subitizing with Neuro-Symbolic Loss using Holographic Reduced Representations

Mohammad Mahmudul Alam, Edward Raff, Tim Oates


Learning Safety Constraints From Demonstration Using One-Class Decision Trees

Mattijs Baert, Sam Leroux, Pieter Simoens


Plan-SOFAI: A Neuro-Symbolic Planning Architecture

Francesco Fabiano, Vishal Pallagani, Marianna Bergamaschi Ganapini, Lior Horesh, Andrea Loreggia, Keerthiram Murugesan, Francesca Rossi, Biplav Srivastava


Fine-Tuning Language Models Using Formal Methods Feedback

Yunhao Yang, Neel P. Bhatt, Tyler Ingebrand, William Ward, Steven Carr, Zhangyang Wang, Ufuk Topcu


Improving Multi-Hop Reasoning in LLMs by Learning from Rich Human Feedback

Nitish Joshi, Koushik Kalyanaraman, Zhiting Hu, Kumar Chellapilla, He He, Li Erran Li


Counting Reward Automata: Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning Through The Exploitation of Reward Function Structure

Tristan Bester, Benjamin Rosman, Steven James, Geraud Nangue Tasse


DeiSAM: Segment Anything with Deictic Prompting

Hikaru Shindo, Manuel Brack, Gopika Sudhakaran, Devendra Singh Dhami, Patrick Schramowski, Kristian Kersting


CRoW: Benchmarking Commonsense Reasoning in Real-World Tasks

Mete Ismayilzada, Debjit Paul, Syrielle Montariol, Mor Geva, Antoine Bosselut


Towards Consistent Language Models Using Controlled Prompting and Decoding

Jasmin Mousavi, Arash Termehchy


ChatLogic: Integrating Logic Programming with Large Language Models for Multi-step Reasoning

Zhongsheng Wang, Jiamou Liu, Qiming Bao, Hongfei Rong, Jingfeng Zhang


Combining Case-Based Reasoning with Deep Learning: Context and Ongoing Case Feature Learning Research

David Leake, Zachary Wilkerson, David J. Crandall


RDR: The Recap, Deliberate, and Respond Method for Enhanced Language Understanding

Yuxin Zi, Hariram Veeramani, Kaushik Roy, Amit P. Sheth


Neuro-Symbolic Representations of 3D Scenes using Universal Scene Description Language

M Shifat Hossain, Md Rubel Ahmed, Laura Pullum, Sumit Jha, Rickard Ewetz


Invited speakers


Day 1

Start Time Session Speaker(s)
09:00 Opening Welcome Talk Workshop organizers
09:15 Invited Talk 1 Gary Marcus
09:45 Invited Talk 2 Parisa Kordjamshidi
10:15 Poster Setup
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Invited Talk 3 Benjamin Grosof
11:30 Invited Talk 4 Fabio Cozman
12:00 Contributed Talks 1 Papers #8, #14, #1, #3, #15
12:30 Lunch Break
14:00 Contributed Talks 2 Papers #2, #21, #13, #6, #5
14:30 Coffee Break
15:00 Poster Session 1
15:30 Invited Talk 5 Tim Klinger
16:00 Panel and Open QA All Day 1 invited speakers

Day 2

Start Time Session Speaker(s)
09:00 Invited Talk 6 Luis Lamb
09:30 Invited Talk 7 Jennifer Chu-Carroll
10:00 Contributed Talks 3 Papers #12, #10, #17, #4, #19
10:30 Coffee Break (Poster Setup)
11:00 Poster Session 2
11:30 Closing Workshop organizers

Call for papers

Important dates

  • Submission deadline: November 15 November 24, 23:59 AoE (NOTE: this will not be extended)
  • Acceptance notification: December 11
  • Camera-ready deadline: December 22, 23:59 AoE

Submission instructions

We invite 8-page full paper or 4-page short paper submissions. We also welcome 2-page extended abstracts for work that is published at AAAI or other venues. All submissions should be anonymized, with the exception of extended abstracts of previously-published work, which do not need to be anonymized. The papers should be formatted according to AAAI conference guidelines. Accepted papers will be non-archival. However, the PDFs will be hosted on the workshop website.

Program committee

Workshop organizers


We sincerely thank the program committee for their considered and thoughtful reviews!

Mukul Singh
Reza Shahbazian
Paul Brunk
Sayan Ghosh
Marios Thoma
Shaswata Mitra
Emile van Krieken
Michael S P Miller
Partha Pratim Saha
Inas Bachiri
Jinyu Hou
Suhas Chelian
Kinjal Basu
Savitha Sam Abraham
Yong Liu
Muneeza Azmat
Anirudh Khatry
Caleb Schultz Kisby
Hanna Abi Akl
Qiming Bao
Haohong Lin
Shayekh Bin Islam
Marjan Alirezaie
Ruben Ruiz-Torrubiano
Nudrat Nida
Sarathkrishna Swaminathan